You know when you’re a kid and you have all of these awesome dreams about what life will be like when you’re 20, or just ‘older’… well personally, my ‘dream’ was to work at Starbucks in the middle of Manhattan (thanks to ‘You’ve Got Mail’), then when I would get off work I would roam the streets of New York and it would either be Spring or Fall all the time. Life was perfect, in my head at least. That life looked so fun and cool to me, I mean come on- Manhattan + Starbucks … hello! Awesome! I'm pretty sure I just wanted to be a part of that movie though. I didn’t even enjoy coffee was nasty and tasted like bitter dirty water to me. Which has changed quite a bit, because if you know me at all, you know that I am quite the financial supporter of Starbucks. Eventually as time went on and I grew a bit older, turns out that being employed by my local Starbucks is NOT my ultimate dream (for those of you who have that dream – go you!). My career choice changed probably every few months…or weeks. It's pretty funny, here are a few that I really remember:
Architect (until I found out there was math involved)
Hair sylist – I was planning to attend the ‘Vidal Sasoon Academy’
Doctor (the kind of doctor that doesn’t see any blood)
One of my personal favorites – the next Margaret Becker.
And of course, a Manhattan Starbucks barista
Pretty sure I’m not looking into any of those careers as of now.
It’s funny to take a look back and think about how many things you wanted to do when you were little and how you thought all of them would definitely come true one day. I think it’s good to get back in that perspective, and to think about the things that are waaaaay down in that little heart of yours and say, “maybe I CAN do that!” Maybe your dream isn’t to become a Starbucks barista, but hey maybe it is. Whatever it is, don’t just let it sit in the back of your mind for forever. Think about what you love. And do it.
All it takes is a little motivation and self-discipline.
Do what you love.