Monday, May 26, 2008

the yucky foot cream...

So this afternoon I’m on the search for some normal body lotion, and I come across some 'spa foot cream.' That just sounds gross. As soon as I touched the bottle I immediately felt the need to wash my hands…I don’t know if any of you are like this, or maybe I’m just a bit of a germaphobic. But anytime I touch something remotely yucky or especially sticky I feel the need to wash my hands. So anyways…I pick up this foot cream and I think, “What? Sick! I don’t want foot cream – I’m looking for lotion…” After putting down the yucky foot cream, I began to think, “hmm I wonder if this is really as gross as I'm thinking it to be...” So after washing my hands, and finding some real lotion, I proceeded to think, “hmm…maybe foot cream really isn’t that disgusting. Maybe it’s just the label that makes me think of it that way.” …And it was. There wasn’t any yucky foot stuff in the cream, it was just simple cream. It was my perception of the foot cream and it’s purpose that got me grossed out…well, feet just gross me out. Ha…
That got me thinking…sometimes we can even do that to ourselves. We limit ourselves to what we think our ‘label’ or ‘abilities’ are. In this case, the foot creams ability & label of course, was foot cream. But if we aren’t careful, sometimes it’s easy to put one on yourself that limits you to fully be who you are…or who you want to become.

Think about the label you put on yourself…don’t be like the foot cream.
Beee yourself.

Monday, May 19, 2008


You know when you’re a kid and you have all of these awesome dreams about what life will be like when you’re 20, or just ‘older’… well personally, my ‘dream’ was to work at Starbucks in the middle of Manhattan (thanks to ‘You’ve Got Mail’), then when I would get off work I would roam the streets of New York and it would either be Spring or Fall all the time. Life was perfect, in my head at least. That life looked so fun and cool to me, I mean come on- Manhattan + Starbucks … hello! Awesome! I'm pretty sure I just wanted to be a part of that movie though. I didn’t even enjoy coffee was nasty and tasted like bitter dirty water to me. Which has changed quite a bit, because if you know me at all, you know that I am quite the financial supporter of Starbucks. Eventually as time went on and I grew a bit older, turns out that being employed by my local Starbucks is NOT my ultimate dream (for those of you who have that dream – go you!). My career choice changed probably every few months…or weeks. It's pretty funny, here are a few that I really remember:

Architect (until I found out there was math involved)
Hair sylist – I was planning to attend the ‘Vidal Sasoon Academy’
Doctor (the kind of doctor that doesn’t see any blood)
One of my personal favorites – the next Margaret Becker.
And of course, a Manhattan Starbucks barista

Pretty sure I’m not looking into any of those careers as of now.
It’s funny to take a look back and think about how many things you wanted to do when you were little and how you thought all of them would definitely come true one day. I think it’s good to get back in that perspective, and to think about the things that are waaaaay down in that little heart of yours and say, “maybe I CAN do that!” Maybe your dream isn’t to become a Starbucks barista, but hey maybe it is. Whatever it is, don’t just let it sit in the back of your mind for forever. Think about what you love. And do it.
All it takes is a little motivation and self-discipline.

Do what you love.

Monday, May 5, 2008

a proud moment in the life of gabby...

One Sunday morning my parents and I are in a rush (shocker!) getting ready to go to church…so I’m all ready and about to walk outside and get in the car, then I realize, hmmm, shoes might be a good idea. I run upstairs into my room that was pretty much pitch-black with the curtains closed and lights off – and put on my shoes.
Shew, I’m ready to go to church!...

Church is over and we’re home. I get out of the car, walking inside and my mom goes, “um, Gabby? Look down…” and low and behold, there are my shoes. Not just any shoes, two different pairs. This was followed by much much laughter, haha… I went the entire morning and a starbucks run without looking at my shoes. No one even said anything to me! I mean, it wasn’t just like a black one and a grey one…no no, it was one black shoe, and the other had a very distinctive print on it.

A dark room full of shoes can create a dangerous situation.