Well. It has been a while hasn't it! Long over-due.
I'm going to attempt to update the past 6 months in the life of Gabby...since we've talked last, I have been to Quito, Ecuador, my 2nd year into the Go Internship as an Apprentice has started, made a few stateside trips to the lovely Arizona, extra lovely California (a few times...can't stay away!), and a few other places Dallas, Kansas City. Thats the life as far as traveling, and since traveling is my obvious favorite hobby, I will now present to you with a pictorial update of the past 6 months...I just wanted to use the word pictorial. :)
Next time I won't take 6 months to write.
Much love.
OH I have a website now -
check it out! (credit to mr.
jose olide....whatwhat!)
Now for the fun part!